Snorkel Installation

CONTACT US TODAY | 07 4196 0730

A snorkel system isn’t just an accessory, it’s a crucial upgrade for any off-road driver looking to safeguard their engine from dust, water and debris. At Shift Automotive, we specialise in enhancing your 4×4’s performance and protection through our professional snorkel installation. Our team of mechanics has the expertise to ensure your vehicle is ready to tackle any adventure, whether it’s navigating dusty trails, crossing rivers or streams or enduring the rough Australian outback.

The main purpose of installing a snorkel? It’s all about getting access to clean air. When you’re crossing through bodies of water, the snorkel stops water flooding through the vehicle’s airbox and into the engine which prevents mechanical and electrical damage. When this modification is installed properly, it also protects your engine from the dust that normally enters the air intake under the vehicle’s wheel well.

Before getting a snorkel installed, it’s important to note that it won’t mean your 4WD can breathe underwater for extended periods of time. There are set wading and intake depths you need to be aware of before you approach water crossings. It’s also important that snorkel fitment is snug to ensure there aren’t any leaks.

Whether you’re preparing for your next off-road adventure or looking to enhance your vehicle’s durability, Shift Automotive has you covered. Our 4WD snorkel installation is a service that’s second to none. We’re committed to providing reliable and professional servicing our clients can trust. Contact us today to schedule your service or to learn more about how we can keep your vehicle in top condition.

4×4 Snorkel Fitting

How do you know if you need a 4×4 snorkel fitting? Deciding on getting this modification all depends on the types of conditions and terrains you’re encountering. If you’re driving through deeper water crossings, dusty environments or are frequently in areas with higher levels of dust, water and debris, chances are you’ll need a snorkel to give you peace of mind that your vehicle can withstand the elements it encounters.

Our 4×4 snorkel installation service is designed to provide your vehicle with clean, dry air intake that’s essential for optimal engine performance and longevity. By elevating the air intake point, a snorkel helps prevent water from entering the engine during rive crossings and reduces intake of harmful dust and sand. This not only enhances engine efficiency but also significantly reduces the risk of expensive engine damage.

CONTACT US | 07 4196 0730

Snorkel Installation in Bundaberg

When you’re ready to equip your 4WD to explore the great outdoors safely and efficiently, you’ll want to come to Shift Automotive. As a go-to destination for professional snorkel installation in Bundaberg, our team is experienced in fitting a wide range of snorkels to various vehicle makes and models. We take great care to ensure each installation is performed with precision, integrating seamlessly with your vehicle’s design and functionality. By choosing Shift Auto, you ensure that your 4×4 is equipped to face the challenges of any terrain while maintaining the integrity of its engine.

CONTACT US TODAY | 07 4196 0730



Why Choose Shift Automotive for Snorkel Installation?

A snorkel installation is an essential upgrade for anyone serious about off-roading. It extends the life of your air filters, saves on maintenance costs and secures the heart of your 4×4 – the engine. With a 4×4 snorkel fitting, you can confidently tackle the rigours of off-road driving with ease.

Here at Shift Automotive, we’re committed to providing professional car servicing in Bundaberg and the surrounding area. From general vehicle maintenance like clutch repair and wheel alignment service to installing custom upgrades like a gross vehicle mass upgrade, all of our services are completed by our trained team of technicians.

There are many great reasons why we should be your go-to for 4×4 snorkel installation in Bundaberg:

  • Locally owned and operated workshop
  • Globally qualified and highly trained technicians
  • Modern and fully equipped workshop
  • Fully guaranteed services and repairs
  • Walking distance from Stockland shopping centre

Shift Automotive’s auto technicians are factory-trained and globally qualified, so you know that no matter who works on your vehicle, you’re going to see unbeatable quality.

To book a 4×4 snorkel fitting or general car service with one of our skilled technicians, call Shift Automotive today.

CONTACT US | 07 4196 0730